Cultural Differences
Q. You are a female sitting on a bench. You drop your file on the floor. A Frenchman comes over and picks it up and hands it to you. You feel annoyed. Why is this a wrong response to what happened?
Frenchmen still believe in gallantry and apply it frequently. Women should not mistake it for condescension.
Q. You have been in several meetings with the same people and have even gone out for entertainment. You're beginning to be friendly with them and you bring the casual attitude in the meeting room. All of a sudden you feel the energy change in the room, and they appear to ignore you. What did you do wrong?
The French are known for their formal and reserved nature. A casual attitude in business transactions will alienate them. It doesn't matter how friendly you become with them outside of the business arena. Once you enter the arena, you must be formal and reserved.
Q. In a meeting, a discussion has begun. The Frenchmen around the table begin to yell with excited gestures. You're waiting for a fist fight to break out. Are you correct in your perception of the situation?
No. A high pitched voice and excited gestures mean great interest in the subject and not anger.