Cultural Differences
Q. The information you share about the service, product, etc. is not received very well. You thought you did your research, however, you are receiving negative feedback. What is going on here?
Minds are generally closed to most information that does not reflect Islamic values. They generally approach problems subjectively according to the tenets of Islamic law.
Q. You are sitting in a meeting and suddenly after discussion of an issue, there is a silence. The silence lasts for an abnormal period of time. You begin to feel uncomfortable and feel like something should be said. If you do this, you will be faced with resistance. Why?
Since they are in no hurry, Kuwaitis have no fear of silence. Do not feel obligated to speak during every period of silence.
Q. You notice that one person in the group continuously asks you questions. You decide that this person must be the one in charge so you attempt to connect with him. This is a wrong move. Why?
In meetings, the person who asks you the most questions is usually the least important. The real decision-maker is probably a silent, elderly Kuwaiti who watches everything but never speaks to you directly.