Cultural Differences
Q. You are in Australia attempting to negotiate a deal. Your presentation is filled with marketing techniques that are proven to seal the deal. However, halfway through your presentation, the Australians start deflating you with caustic humor. Where did you go wrong?
Australians are generally modest and casual. They do not like high pressure sales or skewed negotiations. They value directness. Present your proposal in a forthright manner, sharing both the good and bad. You may have better results.
Q. You are reaching the end of negotiations and, so far, all decisions have been made by the individuals in play. You feel it's okay to share a bit of your life with them. However, you are met with negativity and the insistence that they check with company policies before making any final decisions. Why did the climate of the meeting suddenly change?
Although individualism is valued when making business decisions, Australians rely on policy and rules before delivering anything final. Sharing about your life was a mistake because Australians see a person's life as very personal. In business, they stick to the adage that business should not be mixed with personal. They believe that a person's personal life is reserved for true friendships. True friendships, they value.
Q. You are at a pub with some of your meeting attendees. You're having a great time until you start telling them about your education, knowledge, and expertise. All of a sudden the tone changes, and you become the butt of all their jokes. What happened?
Australians are wary of those who believe themselves better than others. Be modest in interactions and downplay your knowledge and expertise. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves.