
Cara Summerfield
Denver, CO
World Globe

Cultural Differences

Q. During a meeting, refreshments are offered. You refuse by stating that you are not thirsty. When the server repeats his/her offer, you refuse again. He/She does it for a third time and your response is the same. You notice that the group has started looking at you differently. Why?

Answer [+]


Q. If you're from a culture where it is always best to be direct and to say "No" when you mean No, you will use this technique in India. However, if you do this, you are making a grave mistake. What is it?

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The word “no” has harsh implications in India. Evasive refusals are more common and are considered more polite. “I’ll try” is acceptable as a refusal.

Q. You are invited to a family's home for evening entertainment. When you show up, children come up to greet you. You pat the heads of the children. After doing so, you are almost escorted out of their home. What did you do wrong?

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The head is the seat of the soul. Never touch someone else’s head, not even a child’s.


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