
Cara Summerfield
Denver, CO
World Globe

Cultural Differences

Q. When in China, you show up for a meeting or social gathering a few minutes late. When you show up, people look at you with disdain. You try to explain, but you are ignored. What is happening in this situation?

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Punctuality is very important in China, not only for business relationships but social relationships as well. Lateness or cancellation is understood as a serious affront.

Q. You are dining with associates. All of a sudden you drop your chopsticks. When you look at them, you detect fear in their eyes. What is the reason for the fear?

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Dropping chopsticks is considered bad luck.

Q. You are being taken on a tour of a factory. When you walk in, everyone applauds. You feel shy and embarrassed. Why are they applauding?

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Visitors to factories, schools or theaters may be greeted with applause as a sign of welcome. The usual response is to applaud back.

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