What Have You Learned About
Cultural Dimensions?

Cara Summerfield
Denver, CO

Cultural Dimensions

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Questions & Answers

Cultural Intelligence Diagnosis

Cultural Dimensions


What Have You Learned?

Self Study

Assessment 2

Cultural Identity Game

Reference Materials



World Globe


At this point you have reviewed culture, cultural values, and cultural dimensions. On the previous page, you were able to discover what values you operate in, in your daily life. This multiple choice exercise provides you with the opportunity to test yourself on how much you learned about cultural dimensions. Feel free to return to the cultural dimensions page to determine the correct answer.

1. You believe that inequality is a must for society. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Egalitarian
  2. Uncertainty Avoidance
  3. High Power Distance

2. You expect more of an instructor-centered design; a clear structure and you're unlikely to speak up unless called on. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Collectivism
  2. Hierarchical
  3. Feminine

3. You value belonging and seek group harmony. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Individualism
  2. Masculine
  3. Collectivism

4. You believe in strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level, you believe in an absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Uncertainty Avoidance
  2. Short-Term Orientation
  3. Hierarchical

5. Personal adaptability is important to you. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Individualism
  2. Long-Term Orientation
  3. Hierarchical

6. When taking a class, you expect there to be dialogue. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Feminine
  2. Egalitarian
  3. Uncertainty Acceptance

7. You feel that leisure time is important as well as the bottom line. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Collectivism
  2. Masculine
  3. Short-Term Orientation

8. You have tolerance for opinions different from what you are used to. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Uncertainty Acceptance
  2. Individualism
  3. Feminine

9. You value autonomy and you seek self-actualization. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Masculine
  2. Egalitarian
  3. Individualism

10. You go to training hoping to further your career. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Hierarchical
  2. Long-Term Orientation
  3. Masculine

11. When taking classes, you are concerned that no one gets left behind. Your cultural dimension is:

  1. Feminine
  2. Egalitarian
  3. Collectivism

To Self Study