Self-Study on Cultural Dimensions

Cara Summerfield
Denver, CO

Cultural Dimensions

Cultural Dimensions

This self-study is based on cultural dimensions. The purpose of this course is to assist you in discovering your own values. Dr. Geert Hofstede is the father of one model of cultural dimensions. After a decade of research and thousands of interviews with IBM employees in the 1970s, he discovered that people from the same country operated from the same type of values.  This model has become an internationally recognized standard.  The original model was comprised of four dimensions.  The fifth dimension (Orientation) was added after additional research.

When responding to the statements, choose the statement you feel fits you the best. Thinking will not help in this exercise as your mind will only confuse you.

When clicking on the + sign for each category, please note that the list of countries is not complete. It only provides you with an idea of some countries and their values. For a complete list, go to Geert Hofstede's Rankings of Countries. Here you will find the actual rankings for each country and an option to compare your home culture with the host culture you may be visiting.

Using the following scale, rate the statement according to how you feel about the statement. Click the Total button to get your score.

1 - Totally disagree
2 - Disagree somewhat
3 - Agree somewhat
4 - Totally agree

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Questions & Answers

Cultural Intelligence Diagnosis

Cultural Dimensions


What Have You Learned?

Self Study

Assessment 2

Cultural Identity Game

Reference Materials





Lower Power Distance / Higher Power Distance

1. You believe that those in authority are allowed to pull rank.

2. Inequality is just a fact of life

3. Subordinates are not given important work and expect clear guidance from above.

4. Subordinates are expected to take the blame for things going wrong.

5. The relationship between boss and subordinate is rarely close/personal.

6. Liberal democracies are the norm.

7. Supervisors should never socialize with those beneath them.

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value a Hierarchical culture. If your total is 19 and above, you value a Egalitarian culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. =


Lower Power Distance Culture 0-18 [-]

You endorse equality as a follower or leader. You resonate with Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States

Higher Power Distance Culture 19+ [-]

You see yourself as less powerful than other members in groups and you expect and accept that power is distributed unequally and you endorse that inequality. You resonate with the Arab World, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, France, East Africa, Guatemala, India, Iran, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Moracco, Poland, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, and West Africa

Hierarchical / Egalitarian

1. Every person can learn from someone else.

1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. =



2. I enjoy being in control of my own learning.

3. In training, you reserve the right to challenge the instructor/trainer.

4. Senior level management do not deserve respect based upon their position.

5. When taking a class, I expect there to be dialogue.

6. Clear structure tends to hinder me in producing effectively.

7.You believe that sexes should be treated equally.

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value a Hierarchical culture. If your total is 19 and above, you value a Egalitarian culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

Hierarchical Culture 0-18 [-]

You value senior level domination. When in training, you expect to learn from the expert and require clear structure. Your instructor, an authority figure, is to be respected. You resonate with Australia, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Japan, and South Africa

Egalitarian Culture 19+ [-]

You believe that inequalities should be minimized. When in training, you expect to learn from each other and dialogue. You typically see your instructors as peers and coaches, and you feel free to speak up in class. You resonate with Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States

Collectivism / Individualism

1. There's nothing better than a stimulating debate.

1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. =


2. In working with a group, I prefer working with a diverse mixture of people.

3. My motive for learning is self-development.

4. I seek self-actualization.

5. I don't feel threatened when there is a disagreement between two people.

6. There are answers to every problem and they are found in creativity.

7. I enjoy speaking in front of groups.

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value a Collectivist culture. If your total is 19 and abvove, you value an Individualist culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

Collectivism Culture 0-18 [-]

You believe that people from birth should be integrated into strong, cohesive groups. You value belonging and group harmony. When attending training, you expect to learn time-tested ways of doing things to earn certification. You resonate with the Arab World, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, East Africa, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Uruguay, Veneuela, Vietnam, and West Africa

Individualism Culture 19+ [-]

You look after yourself and your family. You value autonomy and seek self-actualization. When you attend training or classes, you do it for self-development and you expect to learn the latest ideas regarding the subject matter. You resonate with Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Moracco, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States

Femininism / Masculinism

1. When I fail at something, I become stressed.

1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. =


2. I am assertive and competitive.

3. I feel proud when I am singled out for praise.

4. Gender roles are a must for every society.

5. Performance is to be rewarded.

6. I tend to pay attention to the most successful classmates or colleagues.

7. Cooperation is understood and not to be rewarded.

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value a Feminism culture. If your total is 19 and above, you value a Masculinism culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

Feminism Culture 0-18 [-]

You value compassion and tenderness and are likely to avoid competition. You are disappointed with failure, but you do not feel like you are a failure. You resonate with Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, East Africa, Finland, France, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Uruguay, Vietnam, and West Africa

Masculinism Culture 19+ [-]

You value assertiveness, toughness, and winning. You compete for recognition and expect rewards for your performance. When you fail at something, it stresses you out. You resonate with the Arab World, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Moracco, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela

Uncertainty Acceptance / Uncertainty Avoidance

1. Strict laws and rules are good for society.

1. +
2. +
3. +
4. +
5. +
6. +
7. =


2. There is only one Truth and I have it.

3. I am motivated by my inner nervous energy.

4. I think that teachers must be able to use the jargon of their field, even if I don't understand them.

5. I value accurate answers.

6. Intellectual disagreements imply that something is wrong.

7. Tried and true solutions are the right answers to problems.

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value an Uncertainty Acceptance culture. If your total is 19 and above, you value an Uncertainty Avoidance culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

Uncertainty Acceptance Culture 0-18 [-]

You have a tolerance for other opinions. You try to have as few rules as possible. Religious beliefs can run side by side. You cherish no one belief. You resonate with Canada, China, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam

Uncertainty Avoidance Culture 19+ [-]

You avoid uncertainty and avoid surprises by creating strict laws and rules, safety and security measures. There is only one truth and it’s yours. You resonate with the Arab World, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, East Africa, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Moracco, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, and West Africa

Long-Term Orientation / Short-Term Orientation

1. I reciprocate with gifts, favors, and greetings.

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2. +
3. +
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5. +
6. +
7. =


2. Relationships must be based on status.

3. Traditions are good and should be preserved.

4. I love to spend money.

5. I like to see quick results.

6. Good and evil are based upon absolute beliefs.

7. I feel the need to protect my face

Take the total of your points to determine what your dominant cultural value is. If your total points are between 0-18, you value an Long-Term Orientation culture. If your total is 19 and above, you value an Short-Term Orientation culture. Enter the type of value in the box below. For a description of each value, click on the + sign.

My value is:

Long-Term Orientation Culture 0-18 [-]

You value saving and perseverence. Relationships should be based on status. You do not value leisure time and feel that personal adapability is important. Your views on good and evil are based on circumstances. You resonate with Brazil, China, Hungary, India, Japan, and Vietnam

Short-Term Orientation Culture 19+ [-]

You respect traditions and believe in fulfilling social obligations. Leisure time is important as well as the "bottom line". You enjoy spending and you place emphasis on quick results. You resonate with Australia, Austria, Canada, East Africa, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and West Africa

Now that you have an idea of who you are and from what dimension certain countries act in,
go to Assessment 2 and test yourself to see what you have learned about cultural and values differences.

To Assessment 2