1. Between 3 or more items in a series
I like to walk, talk, and read. |
2. After introductory words and phrases
Yes, I will continue to help you.
On the other hand, maybe I won’t.
3. Interrupting words and phrases
My sister, for example, has never invested. |
4. Giving additional information about a subject
My office is next to Summerfields, a local bar. |
5. Connecting two or more complete sentences together with a conjunction
I will work in an office, but I will not work full time. |
6. When connecting one or more dependent clauses with an independent clause (This is only when the dependent is before the independent clause. If it is after, there is no comma used.)
After the meeting ends, we will go to lunch.
We will go to lunch after the meeting ends. |
7. Before and after “which”, but never before or after “that”
ImClone, which was founded in 1983, creates drugs.
ImClone that was founded in 1983 creates drugs. |
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Comma Tutorial. If you have any additional questions, please contact me so we may discuss them.
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