MS Word Image


508Universal Accessible

Research Online Image
PowerPoint Image Computer Shut Down Image
MS WordPowerPointResearching for WritingShutting Down the ComputerIntroduction

This training session is designed for English instructors and students at Red Rocks Community College, however, it can be used at any college where students need to use the computer for projects and papers. For each topic there is a description page, a learning assessment, and opportunity for the student to do the function in an actual document. Once a student feels comfortable in using functions in a computer program, they will naturally feel comfortable in exploring other functions of each program.

Topics to Explore

MS Word

508 Pages
Setting Margins
Inserting Page Numbers
Inserting Headers & Footers
Inserting Hyperlinks
Save & Save As
Citing Sources

Setting Margins
Inserting Page Numbers
Inserting Headers & Footers
Inserting Hyperlinks
Save & Save As
Citing Sources


Creating a Slide Show
Inserting a Text Box
Inserting an Image
Animating Your Slides
Playing Your Slide Show

Creating a Slide Show
Inserting a Text Box
Inserting an Image
Animating Your Slides
Playing Your Slide Show


Doing Research at RRCC
Doing Research at RRCC

Logging Off of Computer

How to log off of computer
before shutting down
How to log off of computer before shutting down

Feel free to pick and choose from the navigation bar at the top of each page which topics you wish to explore.

© copyright C Summerfield, 2009 - all rights reserved; contents are protected by 17 U.S.C. sec.101 et seq. and other applicable U.S. and international laws and treaties; Neither art or writing may be copied or reproduced for any purpose without the express written consent of C Summerfield. Instructional design by C Summerfield